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Week 27 Artist statement.

Week 27

Artist statement.

One of the things we have to do is we need to write up an artist statement.

“Articulate and synthesise knowledge and understanding founded on current theoretical, philosophical and methodological paradigms.”

The quote I just gave was from our brief to write an artist statement; now I am not good at words at all, a look at my blog confirms this, so I broke down the question into something that I could understand.

“Articulate and synthesise knowledge and understanding” to articulate means to put something in a clear and succinct way, and synthesise means to create or make. So this would mean to clearly put across and create knowledge and understanding.

“Founded on current theoretical, philosophical and methodological paradigms.”A paradigm (according to my own knowledge, the internet and a dictionary) is a theory, frame work or belief system that influences or guide the way we do things and/ or formally sets rules of practice. So I’m guessing you are asking me to articulate and create ideas based off of theoretical, philosophical methods from a pre-existing frame work, theory or belief system?

An artist statement is to say what you do and why you do it. No one cares or ever will care why I make guns or paint landscapes and even then I am not at all skilled enough with the written word to properly convey my ideas across. This artist statement is not only badly thought out, it is blatantly copied and pasted from animations Couse guide but it is not here to help us.

I understand we must jump through hoops as this is a university course, but I point blank refuse to put it on my portfolio as the rest of the brief asks. I would much rather tell the truth in less words and more to the point then fill up 500 words with disingenuous lines that neither conveys whom I am, what I do and why I do it and may or may not answer a question that I have no real idea what it is asking.

Why did I say all of this? This blog is written mostly for me to remember what I did, however I reflect on things in my own way, I keep a collection of diary’s and writings privately to reflect on my life and work. This blog is more of a chore for me as I must filer it and check it, I just feel the same has been done to the artist statement.

Even with all the filtering, self-censoring and snipping I had to do on this post, it is the most unfiltered post I have done on this blog, there is something very sad about that, isn’t there?

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