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week 4, JJ Abrams would be proud

Sadly, I don’t have much to say this week. I textured and fixed things including my chairs (all I did was adjust the back a bit according to the paint over my teammates did)

I’ve placed all my objects into an unreal test level.

"captain she can't take anymore, the lens flare is too strong!" I really need to turn that emissive down.

Fun Fact,the wood textures are from my local Tesco, well just outside and to the left of Tesco. It was fun to explain to inquisitive and/or concerned passers-by why I was taking photos of the overhang.

I won’t lie, in comparison to the 3d I did last year its actually pretty gratifying to see how much I’ve improved, but the best part of it is knowing im going to get even better; it’s kind of an exhilarating feeling when you look at artists who you admire, or games you adore and you have the sudden realisation.


"Hold up"

"I know how you did that!"

Now, I may not have the technical skill to do it, yet. That yet is the most important parts of the sentence, because right now I may not be able to do it, but soon I will be.

Sometimes that “yet” is one of the few things keeping you going after messing up a texture sphere for the 12th time.

Anyway, back from that little train of thought. I’m on track and all seems well. Nothing much to do but continue onto week 5. Last week I talked about doing extra projects to improve my skills (mostly my modelling/sculpting skills, or lack thereof) I’ll post up what I’m planning to do soon including a small timetable. I just need to make sure it doesn’t interrupt this project!

I guess the only thing left to really talk about is what I’m learning about teamwork and my habbits in this project; this project and these past few weeks have taught me quite a bit about myself.

  1. I actually improved my timetable skills. I was surprised how much I got done and how well I stayed on target, I remember last year forever being in a mad rush to complete things.

  2. Now, not so much, I still like my work done in a timely manner, but I’m looking after myself, getting a good amount of sleep and just having a life outside of labs. So success there!

  3. I need to work on communication, I felt like I’m sometimes I forget to check my messages from my group on Facebook. Luckily this have only happened once or twice and I got updated quickly, no problems where cause (however I do now keep a post it note on my computer to remembered me to update the asset list on Google documents

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