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The start of the room project

I would like to take a moment to say that I not a writer. So I do apologise for any grammatical slip up or the occasional lull in my writing, if you do find anything, please leave me a comment and I’ll try my best to fix it!

Now with that out of the way, onto the main topic of this post, the beginning of my room project.

At the start I had many ideas of rooms I wanted to do, most were discounted as they come for the following reasons: they were too grey, they were too easy, they were too complex or we were told that they were already done quite a few times (I would have loved to do the hobbit house as I love the curvature of it. but sadly we couldent)

In the end we had quite a few suggestions, the 3 rooms that I liked the most where; the office from mad men, and the Weasleys tent from harry potter and the apartment from the fifth element.

The office of mad men

The pros:

-there is quite a bit of reference for this room making our life a little easer while modelling.

-The colours are bright and vibrant, no dull greys or dark shades really to speak of.


-the main reference we have is very bleaches out by its lighting, I would have preferred a differently lit scene personally.

The Weasleys tent from harry potter:


-it looks beautiful, I know this is personal taste, but I have a soft spot for tents, it looks homely and well lived in.


-those drapes, they are just going to cause a lot of problems, with the limited time we have, learning how to model fabric then get the lighting right with them is going to be very difficult.

The apartment from the fifth element:


-It’s a small and interesting space that has no cg in it, not to mention it hasn’t been done much.

-There is a lovely mix of big and small items, and we could tell an amazing story with the room.


-There is hardly any reference for it

-The lighting is not amazing, it bleaches the furniture a bit

In the end we chose the office from mad men. It was bright, doable within our tri count and time constraints and there was enough reference to ensure we could pull it off to a good degree of accuracy.

So we set off and started distributing jobs. Next week I will post our progress and any difficulties had thus far.

(Photos Used) >Weasleys tent Photo >Mad men office photo >Fifth element room photo

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